Top "Wcf-binding" questions

The configuration of encoding, protocol and transport detailing how WCF services and clients communicate with each other.

Consuming a WCF WsHttpBinding WebService in Java

I'm trying to get a Java Client to communicate with a WCF wshttpbinding WebService. But I am unable to do …

java wcf web-services wcf-binding wshttpbinding
IMetadataExchange MEX endpoint error when hosting WCF service in console application

I have a WCF service. I am trying to host the service in a console application. I am following all …

.net wcf exception-handling wcf-binding wcf-configuration
How can I make Named Pipe binding reconnect automatically in WCF

I'm writing a service that will only get calls from the local host. Performance is important so I thought I'd …

.net wcf wcf-binding
WCF Configuration AddressFilter mismatch

I am having WCF configuration woes. I have a WCF Webservice that I want to be able to access through …

c# wcf c#-4.0 wcf-binding wcf-configuration
.NET 4 WCF SOAP Service Http POST returns 404 NOT Found

I have WCF hosted SOAP service which I'm able to hit from the browser as well as from my SOAP …

wcf soap wcf-binding
How to get the IP address of a WCF remote endpoint?

Is there a way to get the remote IP Address of a WCF connection? I guess the reason why it's …

.net wcf wcf-binding
WAS hosting a WCF service with net.tcp binding

I'm trying to publish a calculation service on a bunch of computers which will be used by an application server. …

.net wcf wcf-binding was net.tcp
WCF Client - How to process or ignore a MustUnderstand header element?

I'm writing a WCF Client that consumes a non-.Net web service, using WS-Security. The service's response contains a Security …

wcf web-services jboss wcf-binding ws-security
How to transfer MemoryStream via WCF Streaming

I am planning to pass MemoryStream via WCF Streaming but it seems not working but when I slightly change the …

c# wcf wcf-binding
Dynamic endpoints in ServiceReferences.ClientConfig

When building an app, it is often deployed in different environments (test, dev, prod), and therefore the endpoint addresses are …

c# silverlight wcf-binding