Top "Wcf-binding" questions

The configuration of encoding, protocol and transport detailing how WCF services and clients communicate with each other.

WCF: How can I programmatically recreate these App.config values?

I have a WCF service that works ok if I create the service without specifying any binding or endpoint (it …

.net wcf wcf-binding
XDocument.Descendants() not returning any elements

I'm trying to bind a Silverlight DataGrid to the results of a WCF service call. I was not seeing the …

silverlight wcf-binding linq-to-xml
WCF service with both basicHttpBinding and netTcpBinding; can't access HTTP endpoint

I want to make available the same interface with a netTcpBinding and basicHttpBinding. I also wanna make available the wsdl …

.net wcf wsdl wcf-binding wcf-configuration
WCF Bindings - so many! How do I choose one?

We have an R Server (R is a programming language used in statistical analysis) that basically takes a script and …

.net wcf wcf-binding
Encode and Decode content-type 'application/soap+msbin1' for use with HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse in C#.NET

I have searched high and low looking for a simple class or set of functions to encode and decode the …

.net wcf c#-4.0 soap wcf-binding
Getting a PipeException (pipe is closing) with a WCF service that uses NamedPipesBinding

I am just learning WCF, trying out different things. I have set up the following service: [ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true , InstanceContextMode = …

c# .net wcf wcf-binding wcf-client
How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored)

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored) Hi, I am new …

wcf wcf-binding config wcf-client
How to override WebServiceHostFactory MaxReceivedMessageSize?

There are a lot of similar questions out there, but I have tried every solution in every one of them …

wcf rest wcf-binding maxreceivedmessagesize webservicehost
Using protobuf in WCF services

My web pages are on IIS web server and it communicates with WCF services(sitting on windows 2008 app …

wcf web-services wcf-binding
Why is my WCF Service not loading my Binding config?

I have the problem with the following error: "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To …

wcf wcf-binding wcf-client wcftestclient