Top "Wcf-configuration" questions

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications.

Service has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints

I recently created a WCF service (dll) and a service host (exe). I know my WCF service is working correctly …

.net wcf exception-handling wcf-configuration wcf-endpoint
Webservice returns wrong content-type response header

I am trying to use third-party web service (php-based) in c# application, and failed with service configuration.Already …

c# wcf web-services wcf-configuration protocolexception
How to enable HTTPS in WCF service

I have hosted my service on IIS. Hosted service has applied SSL certificate and on browse of URL, it appears …

wcf https wcf-security basichttpbinding wcf-configuration
What value should the servicePrincipalName have?

I'm trying to set up client impersonation on my service. I need to set a value for the servicePrincipalName of …

c# .net wcf wcf-configuration
WCF: using streaming with Message Contracts

I am trying to use the WCF streaming with Message Contracts, because I need additional parameters beside the stream itself. …

c# .net wcf wcf-binding wcf-configuration
netsh http add urlacl : add reservation for a group

This article explain how to configure a namespace reservation for a user using netsh.exe as follows: netsh http add …

http windows-vista netsh wcf-configuration
Could not find endpoint element with name and contract

I have added reference to a WCF service that has two end points. On adding the service the following get …

c# wcf binding wcf-client wcf-configuration
WCF ConcurrencyMode Single and InstanceContextMode PerCall

I have an issue with my wcf service config. I would like every call to my service create a new …

c# wcf wcf-configuration servicebehavior
Silverlight+WCF exception: Expecting application/soap+xml, received text/xml

I have a Silverlight application in which I would like to call a WCF service. When calling the service I …

.net wcf silverlight exception-handling wcf-configuration
WCF MaxItemsInObjectGraph setting not working

I have been getting the following error trying to access my WCF service. 'Maximum number of items that can be …
