Top "Wcf-configuration" questions

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications.

IMetaDataExchange could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service

I have searched the web for resolution of this error, but everything I have found suggests what I have is …

.net wcf exception-handling metadata wcf-configuration
IMetadataExchange MEX endpoint error when hosting WCF service in console application

I have a WCF service. I am trying to host the service in a console application. I am following all …

.net wcf exception-handling wcf-binding wcf-configuration
WCF Configuration AddressFilter mismatch

I am having WCF configuration woes. I have a WCF Webservice that I want to be able to access through …

c# wcf c#-4.0 wcf-binding wcf-configuration
netTCP binding Soap Security Negotiation Failed

I am writing a WCF service requires impersonate and session. It is ok when I tried to call it on …

c# wcf exception-handling wcf-security wcf-configuration
Simple WCF Service Error while Executing

This may be very basic question in WCF. I'm new to it and not sure how to solve this please. …

.net wcf wcf-configuration
configuring web.config (system.serviceModel) for a site which talks to multiple web services (some through dlls)

I've a solution which consists of a web project and a class library project. The web project solution directly references … wcf configuration web-config wcf-configuration
WCF Service exception error when try to host in ASP.NET Web Site

The following error occurs when trying to browse my .svc file. An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value …

c# wcf .net-4.0 exception-handling wcf-configuration
WCF: Configuring Known Types

I want to know as to how to configure known types in WCF. For example, I have a Person class …

wcf wcf-configuration
How to configure WCF in a separate dll project

I'm developing a web application (ASP.NET 3.5) that will consume a number of web services. I have created a separate … wcf service-reference wcf-configuration
"Configuring Services with Endpoints" Demo Fails For Me (Microsoft/

I'm trying to follow along with the demo videos on the beginners to WCF page on MSDN. The first video …

wcf exception-handling x509 wcf-configuration wcf-endpoint