The configuration of encoding, protocol and transport detailing how WCF services and clients communicate with each other.
I'm hosting WCF service in console application (.NET 4.0). Service code (from msdn example): using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.ServiceModel; …
c# winforms wcf wcf-binding wcf-hostingI know there are quite some questions about this issue already, but no reply solved my problem. I have a …
.net wcf exception-handling wcf-binding net.tcpSay I have a service exposing two end points, 1st is a NetTCPBinding the second is any flavour of HttpBinding. …
wcf wcf-binding nettcpbinding wshttpbinding basichttpbindingI have a set of Service Contracts which split up my service interface into chunks of related functionality. I am …
wcf iis configuration iis-7 wcf-bindingI am having an issue where I have SOA with a web site consuming services and a web site hosting … .net wcf wcf-binding basichttpbindingI'm having problems talking to Java WS. I'm using "wsHttpBinding" binding with client certificates for authentication, message encoding is set "…
wcf soap wcf-binding mtom xop