Top "Net.tcp" questions


This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol

I have a WCF Service running fine on my local machine. I put it on the servers, and I am …

wcf exception-handling wcf-binding net.tcp wcf-endpoint
Enabling net.tcp in IIS7

How can I make IIS handle net.tcp connections?

iis-7 net.tcp
Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp

I have moved my file transfer service from basicHttpBinding to netTcpBinding as I am trying to set up a duplex …

c# wcf duplex net.tcp
How to configure net.tcp binding for client in WCF

I'm new to WCF services and I have created a same application using WCF. Please see below the basic code: …

c# .net wcf net.tcp
The server has rejected the client credentials

I have a WCF service with net.tcp binding, hosted on the server as a Windows service. I am not …

wcf net.tcp
How to check the availability of a net.tcp WCF service

My WCF server needs to go up and down on a regular basis, the client sometimes uses the server, but …

c# wcf net.tcp
The server has rejected the client credentials, WCF as Windows Service

I am able to connect to my WCF service with the Win-form application, however i am not able to do …

c# winforms wcf windows-services net.tcp
How to solve "The ChannelDispatcher is unable to open its IChannelListener" error?

I'm trying to communicate between WCF hosted in Windows Service and my service GUI. The problem is when I'm trying …

c# wcf interprocess net.tcp
WCF Service Base Address Http and netTcp

I have two base addresses defined in my WCF Service config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration&…

.net net.tcp wcf
How to host WCF through TCP ports?

How do I host WCF services through TCP Ports, and how do I listen to it and consume services through …

tcp wcf wcf-binding net.tcp