Top "Net.tcp" questions


Detect socket disconnect in WCF

We're building a WCF server (.NET 4.0). It will only use net.tcp transport. When a client closes the TCP connection, …

c# wcf .net-4.0 net.tcp
WAS hosting a WCF service with net.tcp binding

I'm trying to publish a calculation service on a bunch of computers which will be used by an application server. …

.net wcf wcf-binding was net.tcp
wcf net.tcp using SSL

Has anyone had experience using SSL with net.tcp binding in WCF? Ive read its possible, but not finding good …

wcf security ssl net.tcp
How do I fix WCF "Requested Upgrade is not supported by net.tcp" error?

I have an mvc 3 application running on my local IIS7. This has a reference to a WCF service …

c# .net wcf exception-handling net.tcp
Host WCF service with net.tcp binding through IIS Manager 7.5

I am fairly new to hosting web applications and web services. Though I was successful in hosting a web application, …

wcf iis-7.5 net.tcp
WCF: Why does passing in a remote endpoint fail?

WCF: Why does passing in a remote endpoint fail when passing the same endpoint via the configuration file works? This …

wcf net.tcp .net-3.0
Socket connection aborted using NetTcpBinding

I know there are quite some questions about this issue already, but no reply solved my problem. I have a …

.net wcf exception-handling wcf-binding net.tcp
How to detect client-side if the server disconnects me?

I have a WCF self-hosted service with a net.tcp DuplexChannel. On the server I run the following to disconnect …

wcf callback notify net.tcp disconnect
net.tcp not working since upgrading to windows 10

After upgrading from windows 8.1 to windows 10, None of the projects that have a WCF service available through net.tcp connections …

wcf iis windows-10 net.tcp
IIS8 There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp:

i have a WCF service host in IIS8 and I want to use a net.tcp binding. I have this …

c# wcf net.tcp iis-8