Top ".net-3.0" questions

.NET Framework 3.0, formerly called WinFX was released on 21 November 2006.

How do I write an XML string to a file?

I have a string and its value is: <ROOT> qwerty <SampleElement>adsf</SampleElement> <…

c# xml .net-3.0
What's the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable

I'm confused as to the difference. Being fairly new to .Net, I know I can query IEnumerables using the Linq …

linq ienumerable iqueryable .net-3.0
When creating a new GUI, is WPF the preferred choice over Windows Forms?

Most restrictions and tricks with windows forms are common to most programmers. But since .NET 3.0 there is also WPF available, …

.net wpf winforms .net-3.5 .net-3.0
Close form after 10 seconds

I have a windows form application that will open other forms, but will only display the forms for a few … .net-3.0
How to get all XML nodes with the same name without knowing their level?

I have a XML Example: <Fruits> <Red_fruits> <Red_fruits></Red_fruits> &…

c# xml .net-3.0
Disable mouse scroll wheel in combobox VB.NET

Does anyone know of a way to disable the mouse scroll wheel when a control such as a combobox or … combobox scroll mousewheel .net-3.0
How to unzip a folder with multiple files using SSIS script task C# 2005 or 2008?

There is a requirement in my project that I need to unzip some zip folder. I googled and came to …

c# ssis .net-3.0
C#: Downloading a URL with timeout

What's the best way to do it in .NET? I always forget what I need to Dispose() (or wrap with …

c# httpwebrequest timeout webrequest .net-3.0
Replace a collection item using Linq

How do I find and replace a property using Linq in this specific scenario below: public interface IPropertyBag { } public class …

c# linq linq-to-objects .net-3.0
blurred opacity

I need to create a transparent blurred background. Lets suppose I have a border with a white blurry transparent background. …

wpf .net-3.0