Top "Was" questions

The Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) manages the activation and lifetime of the worker processes that contain applications that host WCF services.

IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service

We developed a WCF service and we're looking to deploy it. Our clients will be using it with basicHttpBinding but …

c# .net wcf iis was
what is the diffence between WAS and IIS?

Is WAS distinct from IIS? How is WAS better than IIS?

iis was
what is the global.asax Application_Start equivalent when using WAS in IIS7

I'd like to use the netTcpBinding for my WCF application which is currently hosted in IIS7, which means configuring it …

wcf iis-7 global-asax was nettcpbinding
Hosting WCF service in IIS 7 (WAS) with net.tcp binding on TWO tcp ports

By default IIS 7 Web site has net.tcp binding with "808:" binding information string. If i add another net.tcp binding …

wcf iis-7 was net.tcp
Getting "Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d)" which can be "fixed" by changing web.config

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS using WAS. When I try to access this service using a net.…

wcf iis-7 was
WAS hosting a WCF service with net.tcp binding

I'm trying to publish a calculation service on a bunch of computers which will be used by an application server. …

.net wcf wcf-binding was net.tcp
both (WAS) and (W3SVC) stopped in iis

I cant start my site in IIS after restarting windows server 2012, because both of (WAS) and (W3SVC) stopped. how …

iis web was
How-to download Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)

I'm getting an error when I try to start an Application Pool in IIS7. The error is called Service WAS …

windows iis-7 download was
restart/iisreset disables NET.TCP protocol?

I'm hosting a WCF service in IIS7 on Windows Server 08, sp2. The service is hosted as its own website and …

wcf iis-7 tcp was