Getting "Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d)" which can be "fixed" by changing web.config

Dirk Dooms picture Dirk Dooms · Feb 2, 2011 · Viewed 18.2k times · Source

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS using WAS. When I try to access this service using a net.tcp binding I get the following error:

There was an error reading from the pipe: Unrecognized error 109 (0x6d).

When using basicHttp I do not encounter the problem.

The strange thing is that I can "fix" the problem by randomly changing the web.config and saving it. The problem just vanishes until I do an IISReset or an Application Pool Recycle. It is then broken again until I change (or just save) the web.config again...

  • I have enabled tracing but that just gives the unrecognize error.
  • Rebooting doesn't help.
  • I have increased the thresholds in WCF but that didn't change anything.

The contract is really really simple with no complex types, so no serialization problems. The return message size is a string of only 12 characters


ayls picture ayls · Apr 21, 2011

Have a look at this...

In my case restarting net tcp listener and port sharing service helped. The article has a nice overview of most likely causes too.