Hosting WCF service in IIS 7 (WAS) with net.tcp binding on TWO tcp ports

Yuri picture Yuri · Sep 12, 2009 · Viewed 24.3k times · Source

By default IIS 7 Web site has net.tcp binding with "808:" binding information string. If i add another net.tcp binding with "xxx:" exception occurs:

This collection already contains an address with scheme net.tcp. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. Parameter name: item

How can i solve this problem and listen my service at TWO ports?


marc_s picture marc_s · Sep 13, 2009

Basically, in your service, you should be able to define any number of service endpoints on any number of ports.

There's two ways to do this:

  • define a base address and a relative address in your service endpoint
  • define the full address in each endpoint

If you do option #1, you'll have something like this:

<service name="YourService">
      <add baseAddress="net.tcp://YourServer:5151/Services" />
  <endpoint name="endpoint1"
            contract="IYourService" />
  <endpoint name="endpoint2"
            contract="IYourService" />

So in this case, you have two service endpoints for the same contract, and they'll be listening on URLs




You can have mulitple service endpoints, but only one base address.

The other option is to specify no base addresses and specify your full service address in the endpoint directly:

<service name="YourService">
  <endpoint name="endpoint1"
            contract="IYourService" />
  <endpoint name="endpoint2"
            contract="IYourService" />

In this case, since you're defining the whole address in the endpoint, you can pick two different TCP ports, one for each endpoint. This should work with no problem at all. You have two separate endpoints on two separate ports, both listening and being serviced by the same service class in the background.
