Top "Wshttpbinding" questions

The WsHttpBinding is a WCF (Windows Communication Framework) binding class that uses HTTP or HTTPS as a transport protocol and is complaint with a variety of WS* standards (reliability,security,etc).

BasicHttpBinding vs WsHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding

In WCF there are several different types of HTTP based bindings: BasicHttpBinding WsHttpBinding WebHttpBinding What are the differences among these 3? …

wcf-binding basichttpbinding wshttpbinding webhttpbinding
Getting "Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint with binding WSHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are []"

I have been through Stack Overflow and followed an online tutorial for SSL And WebHttpBinding. I am getting back the …

wcf wshttpbinding
What is the difference between BasicHttpsBinding and WsHttpBinding with Transport security?

As BasicHttpsBinding is new at .net 4.5, I don't seem to be able to find much stuff around differences between the …

.net wshttpbinding
mex binding error in WCF

I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .NET 3.0. I am using a self-hosted WCF service. When executing the following statement, there is …

c# .net wcf visual-studio-2008 wshttpbinding
At least one security token in the message could not be validated

Server config: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <…

wcf web-services security certificate wshttpbinding
"Invalid or expired security context token" when running after a debugging restart

I have a WCF App that I am coding. I start and stop it several times as I change things …

.net wcf wshttpbinding
WCF Service over SSL Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority ''

I am having an issue. We are trying to attach a client certifacte to a WCF service over SSL required. …

c# wcf ssl wshttpbinding wcf-wshttpbinding
netTcpBinding or wsHttpBinding

I have a WCF Service hosted as Windows Service and client is an ASP.Net application consuming WCF Service methods. …

wcf wcf-binding nettcpbinding wshttpbinding
WCF error The client certificate is not provided. Specify a client certificate in ClientCredentials

I am trying to call a WCF service .I created a selfsigned certificate and installed in my localmachine \personnal \certificates , …

wcf wshttpbinding
Maximum request length exceeded in WCF

I am currently using Wcf application and getting above mentiooned error in Trace Log. Below is the Web.Config for …

wcf wcf-binding wshttpbinding