Top "Wshttpbinding" questions

The WsHttpBinding is a WCF (Windows Communication Framework) binding class that uses HTTP or HTTPS as a transport protocol and is complaint with a variety of WS* standards (reliability,security,etc).

Setting Message version in code for WCF client

I want to set message version for WSHttpBinding to EnvelopeVersion.Soap11. I don't know how to do that. Can any …

wcf wcf-client wshttpbinding
SOAP header Action was not understood

I am trying to consume a webservice in C#. Whenever i try to call the function from the web service …

c# web-services asmx wshttpbinding webhttpbinding
Consuming a WCF WsHttpBinding WebService in Java

I'm trying to get a Java Client to communicate with a WCF wshttpbinding WebService. But I am unable to do …

java wcf web-services wcf-binding wshttpbinding
how to enable WCF Session with wsHttpBidning with Transport only Security

I have a WCF Service currently deployed with basicHttpBindings and SSL enabled. But now i need to enable wcf sessions(…

.net wcf wcf-security wshttpbinding wcf-sessions
WCF Service with wsHttpBinding - Manipulating HTTP request headers

I have been following this tutorial in order to get username authentication with transport security working in my WCF service. …

c# wcf http-headers basic-authentication wshttpbinding
WCF: The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed

I have two WCF services on the same machine. One is the publisher and one is the listener. The Publisher …

c# wcf .net-3.5 wshttpbinding channelfactory
The binding at system.serviceModel/bindings/wsHttpBinding does not have a configured binding

I'm trying to create a second endpoint in my WCF web service. I can bring up the new endpoint's "Happy …

c# wcf wshttpbinding wcf-wshttpbinding
Transferring large payloads of data (Serialized Objects) using wsHttp in WCF with message security

I have a case where I need to transfer large amounts of serialized object graphs (via NetDataContractSerializer) using WCF using …

wcf large-data-volumes wshttpbinding chunking netdatacontractserializer
How to read value of an attribute defined in app.config?

I have a app.config file that in the form of : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> &…

c# xml configuration wshttpbinding
What is the difference between wsHttpBinding and ws2007HttpBinding?

On the MSDN we can read : The WS2007HttpBinding class adds a system-provided binding similar to WSHttpBinding but uses the …

wcf wshttpbinding