On the MSDN we can read :
The WS2007HttpBinding class adds a system-provided binding similar to WSHttpBinding but uses the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) standard versions of the ReliableSession, Security, and TransactionFlow protocols. No changes to the object model or default settings are required when using this binding.
But I don't find any documentation which can explain me WHY I would like to move wsHttpBinding to ws2007HttpBinding, it seems to me that the standard are the same.
Can someone can give me a good explanation ?
The bindings support different protocols. This page on MSDN actually has a nice matrix that explains what protocols are supported by which binding in WCF. So if you need interop with services/clients that implement OASIS protocols, use the ws2007httpbinding binding, otherwise, there's no reason to not use the wshttpbinding.
If you want to get into details of the different protocols, check out their websites: WC3 and OASIS. I'm sure there's tons of resources that highlight the differences in those protocols.
Different large enterprise and governments needs to use web services and have different requirements. Thus, different standards make sense.