The configuration of encoding, protocol and transport detailing how WCF services and clients communicate with each other.
I get the following error when I am trying to invoke my Adobe Livecyle Soap service: Value cannot be null. …
c# wcf visual-studio wcf-binding livecycleWe've got to access a web service that uses soap11... no problem I'll just set the binding as: BasicHttpBinding wsBinding = …
wcf wcf-binding basichttpbindingI am confused with Metadata publish concept. If in a WCF Service config file I had written : <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="…
.net wcf binding metadata wcf-bindingI have the same problem that is listed in the following thread. WSDL first WCF server where client does not …
wcf wcf-bindinghere is my client side WCF Config file : <configuration> <> <defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="…
c# wcf wcf-binding wcf-extensionsI have many WCF services and I need to call one service from another. I decided to use netNamedPipeBinding for …
wcf wcf-binding netnamedpipebindingI have 3 project in my solution. First project is mvc(as client app) and other one is WCF …
wcf wcf-binding workflow-activityI've been battling with this for days, literally going through a hundred articles giving partial guidelines on how to set …
c# wcf wcf-binding net.tcpI've run into a problem. I'm a little new at WCF so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Here's my …
wcf wcf-binding net.tcpI needed a custombinding on a WCF Service to allow me to pass raw content to WCFRest service. Works great, …
wcf https wcf-binding basic-authentication transport