The configuration of encoding, protocol and transport detailing how WCF services and clients communicate with each other.
I'm writing a small WCF/WPF app to resize images but WCF is giving me grief when I try to …
.net wcf wcf-bindingI'm new to WCF and would like to know the differences/advantages/limitations/etc of each of the following bindings: …
.net wcf wcf-bindingMy call to my WCF web service is failing with System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 413: Request …
wcf iis .net-4.0 web-config wcf-bindingI want to access all the methods exposed in the service through the URL. if suppose the URL will be : …
wcf wcf-binding wcf-clientI've got a simple WCF service that has worked fine while I've been testing on my dev machine. Now I've …
c# .net wcf exception-handling wcf-bindingI have created a web service in WCF which returns more than 54000 data-rows with 10 data in each row. I have …
wcf wcf-data-services wcf-bindingI have followed the instructions in SSL with Self Hosted WCF Service. When I am trying to bind the certificate …
windows-7 ssl-certificate wcf-binding netshIs it possible to setup a WCF service with SSL and Basic Authentication in IIS using only the BasicHttpBinding-binding? (I …
wcf ssl wcf-binding wcf-security basichttpbindingI developed a simple WCF service with VS 2010. And i hosted in the default website in IIS by Adding Application …
c# wcf web-services iis wcf-bindingI encountered this error, WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry …
c# wcf wcf-binding