A Uniform Resource Identifier (or URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource.
I have a question about how design a resource URI with composite keys. I have a resource called freight that …
rest uri composite-keyI've written my own MVC framework in PHP, which uses urls in the format of: /controller/method/param1/param2/param... …
php url url-rewriting uri url-routingThis is sort of a follow-up to someone else's question about filtering/querying a list of cars. There the recommendation …
rest uri url-parameters boolean-expressionIn a similar vein to Sending Pause and DTMF input in android, I'm trying to send the pause character "," to …
android android-intent uri telI want to receive share image from Android image gallery using Nexus 4 phone on Android version 5.1.1. I am using phonegap 4.2 …
android image cordova uri webintentsIs there a list of (all, non-custom) URL schemes? I thought that I just needed to search on google to …
url uri urnIn react-native one can do: const somePath = 'https://...' <Image source={somePath} /> or const somePath = 'https://...' <…
url react-native uri webaddressWhat are the URI schemes supported in Windows 8 apps? I have seen references to ms-appx: and ms-appdata: and some rare …
windows-runtime windows-store-apps uri winrt-xaml winjsAccording to RFC 3986 the following characters are reserved and need to be percent-encoded in order to be used in a …
uri percent-encoding rfc3986