Top "Windows-store-apps" questions

This refers to Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 apps only.

Signtool error: No certificates were found that met all given criteria with a Windows Store App?

I'm trying to sign a Windows 8 appx package with a pfx file I have. I'm using a command like so: …

windows-8 windows-store-apps signtool appx
Getting content/message from HttpResponseMessage

I'm trying to get content of HttpResponseMessage. It should be: {"message":"Action '' does not exist!","success":false}, but I …

c# windows-8 windows-store-apps
Adding headers when using httpClient.GetAsync

I'm implementing an API made by other colleagues with, in a Windows Store app project. They show this …

c# windows-runtime windows-store-apps dotnet-httpclient
Where do I mark a lambda expression async?

I've got this code: private async void ContextMenuForGroupRightTapped(object sender, RightTappedRoutedEventArgs args) { CheckBox ckbx = null; if (sender is CheckBox) { ckbx = …

c# lambda resharper windows-store-apps async-await
"Permission Denied" trying to run Python on Windows 10

Seems as though an update on Windows 10 overnight broke Python. Just trying to run python --version returned a "Permission Denied" …

python-3.x windows windows-store-apps file-permissions git-bash
Synchronously waiting for an async operation, and why does Wait() freeze the program here

Preface: I'm looking for an explanation, not just a solution. I already know the solution. Despite having spent several days …

c# .net task-parallel-library windows-store-apps async-await
Setting button text via javascript

I am setting up a button via javascript, but the button shows not the text. Any recommendation on how to …

javascript html windows-store-apps
Thread.Sleep replacement in .NET for Windows Store

Thread.Sleep doesn't seem to be supported in .NET for Windows Store apps. For example, this System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); …

c# .net windows-store windows-store-apps
Is it possible to await an event instead of another async method?

In my C#/XAML metro app, there's a button which kicks off a long-running process. So, as recommended, I'm using …

c# microsoft-metro .net-4.5 async-await windows-store-apps
How to uninstall an app that another user installed?

I keep hitting this problem when I try to debug my Windows 8 apps and there is a copy already installed …

powershell windows-8 windows-runtime windows-store-apps windows-store