Top "Uri" questions

A Uniform Resource Identifier (or URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource.

Do colons require encoding in URI query parameters?

I've noticed that Java's UriBuilder isn't encoding the : characters included in my query parameter values (ISO 8601-formatted strings). According to …

http url web uri urlencode
mongoose.connect in my express app have name: MongoParserError , message: 'URI malformed, cannot be parsed'

mongoose .connect(db,{ useNewUrlParser: true}) .then(() => console.log("MongoDB conected ...")) .catch(err => console.log(err)); Above mentioned is …

mongoose uri connect
CSS: Style external links

I want to style all external links in my website (Wordpress). I'm trying with: .post p a[href^="http://"]:after …

css url css-selectors uri href
Image uri doesn't display images on ImageView on some android device

I have an ImageView. When you click on a ImageView, it will open gallery and you pick up a image …

android image imageview uri picasso
Getting size of an image(in kb or mb) selected from gallery programatically

I am selecting an image from gallery.I want to determine the size of the image programatically in kb or …

android file uri android-gallery filesize
A final answer on how to get Exif data from URI

This topic has been discussed in lots of questions here, with mostly different results and, due to API changes and …

android android-intent uri exif android-contentresolver
How to get current ringtone in Android?

I have found lots of examples how to get default ringtone. Something like that: Uri alert = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_…

android uri ringtone android-audiomanager
Create File from Uri type android

I'm trying to select image from gallery then convert this image to File and send it via HttpPost but I'm …

java android file uri loopj
How to get uri of captured photo?

What do I want to achieve? I want to get URI of the captured image and save it on Firebase. …

android android-camera uri android-fileprovider
Is there a "map:" URI prefix to launch map application? (like mailto: or tel:)

Is there such prefix for launching map application on phones, <a href="map:21st,High Street, London">Toto's …

map uri mailto url-scheme tel