Top "Urlencode" questions

To “URL encode” or “percent encode” text means to encode it for use in a URL.

Encode URL in JavaScript?

How do you safely encode a URL using JavaScript such that it can be put into a GET string? var …

javascript url encode urlencode
Java URL encoding of query string parameters

Say I have a URL and I have a query entered by the user such …

java http url encoding urlencode
How to urlencode a querystring in Python?

I am trying to urlencode this string before I submit. queryString = 'eventName=' + evt.fields["eventName"] + '&' + 'eventDescription=…

python urllib urlencode
URL Encoding using C#

I have an application which sends a POST request to the VB forum software and logs someone in (without setting …

c# .net urlencode
How to urlencode data for curl command?

I am trying to write a bash script for testing that takes a parameter and sends it through curl to …

bash shell curl scripting urlencode
Query-string encoding of a Javascript Object

Do you know a fast and simple way to encode a Javascript Object into a string that I can pass …

javascript query-string urlencode
URL encode sees “&” (ampersand) as “&” HTML entity

I am encoding a string that will be passed in a URL (via GET). But if I use escape, encodeURI …

javascript urlencode
HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

My Java standalone application gets a URL (which points to a file) from the user and I need to hit …

java http urlencode
URL encoding in Android

How do you encode a URL in Android? I thought it was like this: final String encodedURL = URLEncoder.encode(urlAsString, "…

android url urlencode
When to encode space to plus (+) or %20?

Sometimes the spaces get URL encoded to the + sign, some other times to %20. What is the difference and why should …
