Top "Uri" questions

A Uniform Resource Identifier (or URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource.

How are parameters sent in an HTTP POST request?

In an HTTP GET request, parameters are sent as a query string:;=…

http post parameters request uri
What is the difference between a URI, a URL and a URN?

People talk about URLs, URIs, and URNs as if they're different things, but they look the same to the naked …

http url uri urn rfc3986
Convert file: Uri to File in Android

What's the easiest way to convert from a file: to a File in Android? Tried the following …

android file uri file-uri
Get filename and path from URI from mediastore

I have an onActivityResult returning from an mediastore image selection which I can get a URI for an image using …

android uri absolute-path aws-mediaservices aws-mediastore
How to get Bitmap from an Uri?

How to get a Bitmap object from an Uri (if I succeed to store it in /data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.…

android uri android-image android-bitmap
Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined

I keep getting this error. Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined. the code I have …

c# .net winforms uri
Parse a URI String into Name-Value Collection

I've got the URI like this:…

java parsing uri namevaluecollection
What is the difference between URI, URL and URN?

What's the difference between an URI, URL and URN? I have read a lot of sites (even Wikipedia) but I …

http url uri urn
Convert String to Uri

How can I convert a String to a Uri in Java (Android)? i.e.: String myUrl = ""; myUri = ???;

java android string uri
How can I get the baseurl of site?

I want to write a little helper method which returns the base URL of the site. This is what I …

c# uri httprequest