Top "Urn" questions

In computing, a Uniform Resource Name (URN) is the historical name for a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that uses the urn scheme.

What is the difference between a URI, a URL and a URN?

People talk about URLs, URIs, and URNs as if they're different things, but they look the same to the naked …

http url uri urn rfc3986
What is the difference between URI, URL and URN?

What's the difference between an URI, URL and URN? I have read a lot of sites (even Wikipedia) but I …

http url uri urn
JAXB: How do I annotate classes so that they belong to different namespaces?

I want to have JAXB-annotated classes which would be marshalled/unmarshalled to different XML namespaces. What I need is something …

java xml namespaces jaxb urn
Examples of URI, URL and URN

I have read many articles about URIs, URLs and URNs, but I don't understand the diff in real examples. Could …

url uri urn
How do you resolve a URN?

I have an XML schema file which references a urn based location. Is there some way to resolve this into …

xml xsd urn
Is there a list of URL schemes?

Is there a list of (all, non-custom) URL schemes? I thought that I just needed to search on google to …

url uri urn