Top "Uri" questions

A Uniform Resource Identifier (or URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource.

HttpClient and non-ASCII URL characters (á,é,í,ó,ú)

'Long time reader, first time poster' here. I'm in the process of making a bot for a spanish Wiki I …

java url uri httpclient mediawiki-api
Is there a "faxto" or similar protocol?

I have a client with a fax number, and after linking their address to Google Maps, their email with a …

html hyperlink uri anchor fax
How to get a File instance of a drawable?

Below is the code that I cope with logo printing. The logo is placed in res/drawable folder. When I …

android file uri drawable fileinputstream
CursorLoader, get URI for local database

I'm a newbie android programmer and I recently followed a tutorial which shows how to create a local SQLite database …

android sqlite uri android-cursorloader
How to use ExifInterface with a stream or URI

I'm writing an app that can be sent a photo URI from the "Share via" menu in Android. The kind …

android stream orientation uri exif
_remap or URI Routing in codeigniter

I am currently looking into the PHP Framework Codeigniter and understand the main concepts so far until the Controllers section …

php codeigniter uri url-routing remap
Android: Save object to Database

What i m trying to do is get the selected ringtone from the user, set an AlarmManager alarm to play …

java android uri alarmmanager
When ContentResolver.notifyChange() is called for a given URI, are ContentObservers observing descendent URIs of this URI notified?

A hopefully straightforward question: When ContentResolver.notifyChange() is called for a given URI, are ContentObservers observing descendent URIs of this …

android uri android-contentprovider android-contentresolver contentobserver
download file from absolute uri to stream to SaveFileDialog

I've gotten as far as putting a file into a stream from a url. However puttin savefiledialog inside the event …

silverlight silverlight-4.0 uri absolute savefiledialog
How do I add encoded query values to a URL?

I am looking for a convenient and functional way to add encoded values to a URL query string in Ruby. …

ruby uri urlencode open-uri ruby-1.9.3