Top "Mediawiki-api" questions

The MediaWiki API is the interface for automated editing processes ("bots") and other programs to access data in a MediaWiki wiki.

Is there a Wikipedia API?

On my Wikipedia user page, I run a Wikipedia script that displays my statistics (number of pages edited, number of …

api wikipedia mediawiki-api
Get Text Content from mediawiki page via API

I'm quite new to MediaWiki, and now I have a bit of a problem. I have the title of some …

mediawiki wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
How to use wikipedia api if it exists?

I'm trying to find out if there's a wikipedia api (I Think it is related to the mediawiki?). If so, …

api mediawiki wikipedia wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
How to retrieve Wiktionary word content?

How may Wiktionary's API be used to determine whether or not a word exists?

api dictionary mediawiki-api wiktionary
How to get plain text out of Wikipedia

I'd like to write a script that gets the Wikipedia description section only. That is, when I say /wiki bla …

python mediawiki wikipedia wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
Searching Wikipedia using API

I want to search Wikipedia using the query action. I am using this url:…

json mediawiki wikipedia wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
Is there any API in Java to access wikipedia data

I want to know: is there any API or a query interface through which I can access Wikipedia data?

java mediawiki wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
How can I get the Infobox from a Wikipedia article by the MediaWiki API?

Wikipedia articles may have Infobox templates. By the following call I can get the first section of an article which …

wikipedia-api mediawiki-api
Parsing a Wikipedia dump

For example using this Wikipedia dump:…

python mediawiki wikipedia-api mediawiki-api wikimedia-dumps
Wikipedia list=search REST API: how to retrieve also Url of matching articles

I'm studying Wikipedia REST API but I'm not able to find the right option to get also URLs for a …

api url wikipedia wikipedia-api mediawiki-api