I'm a newbie android programmer and I recently followed a tutorial which shows how to create a local SQLite database and then access the database by using SQLiteDatabase.rawQuery to return a Cursor. I would like to modify my app to use CursorLoader which is apparently a better way to access the database. My problem is the CursorLoader constructor expects a URI to be given. Do I just input "file:///[path to db]"? Seems a bit messy.
The reason behind cursor loader accepting a URI is that it expects to query a contentProvider and not a raw database.
So I suggest that you create a content provider which internally uses your database, so that you can use the CursorLoader class directly.
The advantage of using a content provider is that it encapsulates better your data and you can easily leverage a lot of apis from android directly.
Here are some guides on how to create a content provider
If you choose not to create a ContentProvider you can extend AsyncTaskLoader or the cursor loader directly to query the data the way you want.