Top "Uri" questions

A Uniform Resource Identifier (or URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or resource.

What is the scheme-specific part in a URI?

I can't find any explanation as to what exactly the "scheme-specific part" of a URI is.

java url uri url-scheme
Sending username and password to web service

I am developing a web service and I need to send a username and password to the service in a …

service passwords uri username
How to construct URI with query arguments from hash in Ruby

How to construct URI object with query arguments by passing hash? I can generate query with: …

ruby-on-rails ruby hash uri ruby-2.2
get path from Google Drive URI

I'm using Android file selection and selecting files from app storage (images, videos, documents). I have an function "getPath" . Im …

android uri filepath google-drive-android-api
JS: how to encode an image.png into base64 code for data URI embedding?

I have several .png bitmaps of different dimensions, by example ./img/dog.png and ./img/cat.png. How to load …

javascript image base64 uri jqxhr
How to address multiple content providers?

I created two content providers that work on two different tables of the same SQLite database. They share a single …

android uri android-contentprovider android-contentresolver
Why using href="// instead of href="http:// in HTML?

Why using <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> instead of using http:// or https:// before the …

html uri protocol-relative
What does gs protocol mean?

I'm playing with Google Speech Recognition API After a successfully Getting started I'm trying to understand and made some changes …

json uri speech-recognition google-cloud-platform
Problems with Android's UriMatcher

In an answer to a previous question of mine someone indicated that there is some flakiness (for lack of a …

android uri android-contentprovider
file: URIs and Slashes

An application I'm working on involves accessing files on network file shares, and we're using URIs to specify the files' …

java windows uri file-uri