Top "Uiimagepickercontroller" questions

Questions related to the iOS UIImagePickerController class (and the associated UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol), which provides system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on iOS devices, and for choosing saved images and movies.

lock UIImagePickerController in Portrait mode in ios app

In my IOS app, when I open the camera I have placed an image over the camera view. It looks …

ios uiimagepickercontroller portrait
UIImagePickerController on iPad with IOS9

Since iOS 9 and Xcode 7 I am no longer able to implemet a UIImagePickerController on an iPad (both device and simulator). …

ios swift ipad uiimagepickercontroller
After Taking Picture cannot select Use Photo or Retake

So I'm trying to update an app for iOS 7 and I'm running into issues with my custom overlay. The overlay …

uiimagepickercontroller ios7 photo
Fastest way to handle UIImagePickerController compression

What's the fastest way of getting a picture into a SQLite data store for compression, so I can return control …

iphone cocoa-touch uiimagepickercontroller uiimagejpegrepresentation
iOS 7 UIImagePicker preview black screen

When i try to load camera from my code, camera preview is black. If I wait for 10-20 seconds it …

ios objective-c uiimagepickercontroller
Determine if image picker media type is video

I've seen various methods for checking whether the returned media type in -imagePickerController:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: is video. For example, my way: …

ios cocoa-touch uiimagepickercontroller uti
uiimagepickercontroller - get the name of the image selected from photo library

I am trying to upload the image from my iPhone/iPod touch to my online repository, I have successfully picked …

iphone ipad uiimagepickercontroller photolibrary
UIImagePickerController bug

I think I found a bug in latest iOS 7 by running an app with Base SDK set to iOS 6.1 (possibly …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch ios7 uiimagepickercontroller
How to create a cameraOverlayView

I am really struggling to get my head around how to do this. I have a UIImagePickerController which works fine …

ios uiimagepickercontroller camera-overlay
How to present UIImagePickerController or open the Camera in a Landscape-only app?

I am creating an application that only works in landscape mode. During sign up I want to open the camera …

ios objective-c uiimage uiimagepickercontroller uiinterfaceorientation