Top "Uiimagejpegrepresentation" questions

For questions related to the UIImageJPEGRepresentation method for the UIImage class on the iOS platform, a method commonly used to convert images to JPEG.

How to zoom in/out an UIImage object when user pinches screen?

I would like to zoom in/out an UIImage object when the user performs the standard pinch action on my …

cocoa-touch uiimage uiimagejpegrepresentation
image compression by size - iPhone SDK

I would like to compress images (camera/photo library) and then send it to the server. I know I can …

iphone ios api uiimagejpegrepresentation
What should compressionQuality be when using UIImageJPEGRepresentation?

I would like to apply a filter to a photo from the user's library then write it back to disk. …

ios uiimage uiimagejpegrepresentation
How to display the UIImageJPEGRepresentation image in iphone sdk

I want to use UIImageJPEGRepresentation to add the image in iphone, in below code i am missing some thing I …

iphone objective-c uiimagejpegrepresentation
Using ALAssetsLibrary and ALAsset take out Image as NSData

I wish to extract the image using ALAssetsLibrary and ALAsset directly in the form of a NSData object. Using a …

iphone uiimage nsdata exif uiimagejpegrepresentation
iPhone How to get image back from NSData

In my iPhone App I am storing image into NSData by UIImage *image =imageView.image; NSData *myData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image); But …

iphone objective-c uiimage nsdate uiimagejpegrepresentation
iOS UIImageJPEGRepresentation error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xff 0xd9

I am writing a .jpg file to my app's Documents directory like this: NSData *img = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(myUIImage, 1.0); BOOL retValue = [img …

iphone uiimageview uiimage nsdata uiimagejpegrepresentation
Given a CIImage, what is the fastest way to write image data to disk?

I'm working with PhotoKit and have implemented filters users can apply to photos in their Photo Library. I am currently …

ios swift ciimage uiimagejpegrepresentation photokit
how to know this image is jpg or png iphone

i will like to pick an images from UIImagepicker, there are PNG and JPG format in camera roll. and i …

iphone ios xcode uiimagejpegrepresentation uiimagepngrepresentation
UIImageJPEGRepresentation - memory release issue

On a iPhone app, I need to send a jpg by mail with a maximum size of 300Ko (I don't …

iphone memory uiimage uiimagejpegrepresentation