Top "Nsdata" questions

The NSData class is an Apple class for holding generic data.

Convert UTF-8 encoded NSData to NSString

I have UTF-8 encoded NSData from windows server and I want to convert it to NSString for iPhone. Since data …

ios nsstring nsdata
Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

Does anyone know how to convert a UIImage to a Base64 string, and then reverse it? I have the below …

ios swift uiimage base64 nsdata
Convert NSData to String?

I am storing a openssl private Key EVP_PKEY as nsdata. For this I am serializing into a byte stream …

iphone ios sqlite openssl nsdata
convert UIImage to NSData

I am using this code in my app which will help me to send a image. However, I have an …

objective-c ios ipad cocoa-touch nsdata
Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

I'm trying to ultimately have an NSMutableURLRequest with a valid HTTPBody, but I can't seem to get my string data (…

xcode nsstring nsdata swift nsmutableurlrequest
Convert UIImage to NSData and convert back to UIImage in Swift?

I'm trying to save a UIImage to NSData and then read the NSData back to a new UIImage in Swift. …

ios swift uiimage png nsdata
How to initialise a string from NSData in Swift

I have been trying to initialise a string from NSData in Swift. In the NSString Cocoa Documentation Apple is saying …

string swift cocoa nsdata
How to compress/resize image on iOS before uploading to a server?

I'm currently uploading an image to a server using Imgur on iOS with the following code: NSData* imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image); …

ios file-upload ios4 uiimage nsdata
How can I convert my device token (NSData) into an NSString?

I am implementing push notifications. I'd like to save my APNS Token as a String. - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application …

ios objective-c apple-push-notifications nsstring nsdata