Top "Ipad" questions

iPad is a tablet computer designed by Apple running the iOS operating system.

Install .ipa to iPad with or without iTunes

I have the .ipa from PhoneGap build and I need to test it. I got provisioning profile from Developer account. …

ios iphone ipad installation ipa
How can I recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible?

Is it possible to recognize touch events on the iPad's Safari browser using jQuery? I used mouseOver and mouseOut events …

jquery ipad events mobile-safari jquery-events
jQuery get the location of an element relative to window

Given an HTML DOM ID, how to get an element's position relative to the window in JavaScript/JQuery? This is …

javascript jquery ipad webkit webview
position: fixed doesn't work on iPad and iPhone

I have been struggling with fixed positioning in iPad for a while. I know iScroll and it does not always …

iphone css ipad ios mobile
HTML5 Video tag not working in Safari , iPhone and iPad

I am trying to create an html5 web page in which there is a small video like 13s , I converted …

iphone ipad safari html5-video mobile-safari
Setting an image for a UIButton in code

How do you set the image for a UIButton in code? I have this: UIButton *btnTwo = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; btnTwo.…

ios objective-c iphone ipad uibutton
What programming languages can one use to develop iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS) applications?

What programming languages can one use to develop iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS) applications? Also are there plans in …

iphone ipad ios4 ios
How to get device make and model on iOS?

I was wondering if it's possible to determine what kind of iPhone (for example) the currentdevice is? I know it's …

ios objective-c iphone ipad
Proper way to exit iPhone application?

I am programming an iPhone app, and I need to force it to exit due to certain user actions. After …

ios objective-c iphone cocoa-touch ipad
iPhone App Icons - Exact Radius?

I'm trying to create the icon for my iPhone app, but don't know how to get the exact radius that …

iphone ios ipad icons