Top "Portrait" questions

Portait, in a mobile device, is that orientation where the width is smaller than the height.

Force "portrait" orientation mode

I'm trying to force the "portrait" mode for my application because my application is absolutely not designed for the "landscape" …

android screen orientation landscape portrait
How do I specify different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations?

I've seen references to being able to specify two separate layout xml files for an activity, one for Portrait and …

android orientation landscape portrait
How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

Since my app got support for all orientation. I would like to lock only portrait mode to specific UIViewController. e.…

swift uiviewcontroller portrait device-orientation
Android - Camera preview is sideways

I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine, …

android camera orientation preview portrait
Lock Android phone application to Portrait mode

Can someone tell me how to lock my application to a portrait mode? Is it a simple configuration in the …

android portrait android-screen
3 media queries for iphone portrait, landscape and ipad portrait

I have tried the different combinations of width & device-width but on the iPhone in landscape this code never turns …

iphone css media-queries landscape portrait
css expanding based on portrait or landscape screen size?

I have two divs that are floating next to each other. What i would like is to have it have …

css mobile landscape portrait
why does CSS background-size: cover not work in portrait mode on iOS?

I'm trying to set up a manualy splash-image across devices. I'm doing so by checking for orientation (touch devices) or …

ios background portrait css
Find out if Android device is portrait or landscape for normal usage?

Is there anyway to find out if a device is portrait or landscape by default? In that I mean how …

android default landscape portrait
Android: Camera preview orientation in portrait mode

I'm using the camera to show preview only (not to take pictures or record videos). The app is always in …

android camera rotation orientation portrait