I'm saving a merged image to the iPhone photo library using: UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(viewImage, self, @selector(savedPhotoImage:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:), nil); And …
iphone ios uiimage save photolibraryI need to get and show last taken 3 photos from photo library on viewDidload event without any clicks. After this …
ios swift uiscrollview photolibraryUsing PhoneGap(Cordova), Am trying to get base64 image data of the photo chosen from the photo library. I could …
cordova camera base64 photolibraryI want to get all of the pictures from photoLibrary. I would prefer a method or example that I can …
iphone ios photo-gallery photolibraryI'm trying to access both the camera and photo library in swift4 using the following code let imagePickerController = UIImagePickerController() imagePickerController.…
ios swift camera photolibrary phphotolibraryI am creating an iPad app that has several pictures (UIImageViews) in a horizontal scrollview. I want to allow the …
iphone xcode ipad uiimageview photolibraryI am trying to make an app where the user can select an image out of their image library that …
ios image swift overlay photolibraryI am using the Photos framework to fetch album list in iOS8. I am able to do it using PHFetchResult *…
ios photolibrary photokit phassetI'm using matlab in order to perform modifications on an image. I have loaded an image on Matlab. (the image …
image matlab photo photolibrary matlab-figureI am trying to simply enable picking multiple images from photolibrary using the UIImagePickerController, I wish I can add a …
iphone ios xcode uiimagepickercontroller photolibrary