Top "Photo-gallery" questions

For questions relating to image galleries

How create grid out of images of different sizes?

I'm trying to create a grid of images where all images of a row share the same height and where …

javascript html css grid photo-gallery
Facial recognition/detection PHP or software for photo and video galleries

I have a very large photo gallery with thousands of similar people, objects, locations, things. The majority of the people …

php tagging face-detection photo-gallery face-recognition
Best Static Photo Gallery Generator

There are a lot of static website generators out there, but most of them seem rather text-oriented (to my knowledge). …

static image-gallery photo-gallery
Photo Gallery / Grid for Twitter Bootstrap v2.1.1

I'm really liking Twitter Bootstrap so far and am finding it fairly easy to implement. The next step is to …

twitter-bootstrap image-gallery photo-gallery
Get all of the pictures from an iPhone photoLibrary in an array using AssetsLibrary framework?

I want to get all of the pictures from photoLibrary. I would prefer a method or example that I can …

iphone ios photo-gallery photolibrary
Pick photo from gallery in android 5.0

I encounter a problem by picking images from gallery with android 5.0. My code for starting intent is: private void takePictureFromGallery() { …

android photo-gallery
Use the UIImagePickerController on a iphone simulator

I have the method, that take photos from gallery or from the camera -(IBAction) getPhoto:(id) sender { UIImagePickerController * picker = [[…

ios camera ios-simulator uiimagepickercontroller photo-gallery
Apple rejected app asking to provide relevant purpose string Info.plist

Apple rejected app as the permission description doesn't seem to be ok. What exactly the description should be for photo …

ios photo-gallery
How to make a responsive grid of photos using Twitter Bootstrap if heights are different

How can I Twitter Bootstrap 3's 'img-responsive' images, but allow them to have a set height so that a grid …

html css twitter-bootstrap responsive-design photo-gallery
Why do I get an OutOfMemoryException when I have images in my ListBox?

I want to display all images stored in the Windows Phone 8 photo folder in my custom gallery which uses a …

c# listbox out-of-memory windows-phone-8 photo-gallery