Top "Image-gallery" questions

An image gallery is set up to display multiple images.

android get real path by Uri.getPath()

I'm trying to get image from gallery. Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType("image/*"); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); …

android image-gallery
Android get image from gallery into ImageView

I'm trying to add a photo from galery to a ImageView but I get this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure …

android imageview gallery image-gallery getimagedata
Select multiple images from android gallery

So basically what i am trying to achieve is opening the Gallery in Android and let the user select multiple …

android image-gallery
How to get the Correct orientation of the image selected from the Default Image gallery

I have gone through some of the links to get the correct image orientation of the image selected from the …

android image android-intent android-camera image-gallery
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?

I have a requirement in that I want to implement an image gallery with a GridView. I tried using Hello …

android gridview image-gallery
get the path of a Gallery Folder in Android

I know how to programatically get a gallery image (one by one). Now that the gallery is organised folderwise Is …

android android-emulator gallery image-gallery
Bootstrap 3 CSS image caption overlay

I use bootstrap and having a problem to overlay caption over an image, the caption div just cannot fit within …

css twitter-bootstrap-3 image-gallery
AngularJS: How to show preload or loading until page is loaded completely?

I've an image gallery site where I'm getting all images and image related data from the database as json format …

javascript html css angularjs image-gallery
Can you add Bootstrap to a Ionic App?

I am currently developing an Ionic app and I was wondering if I could add an image gallery based on …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap ionic-framework angular-ui-bootstrap image-gallery
Best Static Photo Gallery Generator

There are a lot of static website generators out there, but most of them seem rather text-oriented (to my knowledge). …

static image-gallery photo-gallery