Top "Image-gallery" questions

An image gallery is set up to display multiple images.

Customise the WordPress gallery html layout

When creating an image gallery in WordPress using the default Media Uploader, WordPress wraps the images in a bunch of …

php wordpress image-gallery
Photo Gallery / Grid for Twitter Bootstrap v2.1.1

I'm really liking Twitter Bootstrap so far and am finding it fairly easy to implement. The next step is to …

twitter-bootstrap image-gallery photo-gallery
Android Image Picker Select multiple images from gallery with a maximum limit of 5

I have an app where the user needs to be able to choose multiple pictures to send them somewhere. However, …

android limit image-gallery multipleselection
iPhone image gallery

I am looking for a simple picture gallery for iPhone (photo viewer). I was using EasyGallery on iOS 4 and I …

iphone objective-c image-gallery
Android: how to get all folders with photos?

I trying to make a gallery. I know how to get all photos and to show them in grid view. …

android gallery photo image-gallery
how to Calculate whether an image is landscape or portrait

I am creating an image gallery with jquery. Is there any possibilities to Calculate whether an image is landscape or …

jquery image-gallery
Fancybox 2 visible navigation arrows

Is it possible with Fancybox 2.0 to always keep the image gallery navigation arrows visible? Rather than just visible on hover.

jquery navigation fancybox image-gallery
How to make an image gallery with java

For class I'm working on my first GUI application. It's just a simple image viewer with four buttons: Previous, Next, …

java swing image-gallery
Carousel like gallery in jQuery Mobile

I'ld love to do something like this in jQueryMobile: Carousel I don't need much more than a slider and the …

jquery jquery-plugins jquery-mobile image-gallery
How to display all product images on magento

I try to display all image in product page like this I have a loop like this: <?php foreach ($_…

image magento loops image-gallery magento-1.8