Carousel like gallery in jQuery Mobile

PascalTurbo picture PascalTurbo · Jun 15, 2012 · Viewed 19k times · Source

I'ld love to do something like this in jQueryMobile:


I don't need much more than a slider and the indicator which page is selected. It shall show some pictures.

So I testet a lot of Image Galleries. But most of them does

a) Have Thumbnails as initial interface or b) doesn't work well with jQuery Mobile.

Does anybody know a simple way to get this started?


Hessius picture Hessius · Jun 16, 2012

Cubiq's Swipeview is really good, lightweight and responsive.

It has what you asked for and not much more. Of the sliders I've tested with jQM this is by far the most responsive.

In order for it to work with jQM you have three options:

  1. Initialize before jQM
  2. Wrap it in a pageshow
  3. Place it in an iFrame