Top "Magento-1.8" questions

Magento is an e-commerce platform written in PHP atop the Zend framework, available under both open-source and commercial licenses.

Get category URL key in Magento

How do I get the URL key of a category in Magento. I have added this text in URL key …

php magento url magento-1.8
$this->getRequest()->getParam() not working in category controller

I am working on retriving the manufacturer attribute from url localhost/magento/index.php/test-pro.html?manufacturer/4 So i used $…

magento magento-1.7 magento-1.8
How to display all product images on magento

I try to display all image in product page like this I have a loop like this: <?php foreach ($_…

image magento loops image-gallery magento-1.8
Showing error "Connection string is empty" in magento

When i am installing an extension in my magento admin,it shows Connection string is empty. I don't know why …

magento magento-1.8
How would I test payment methods within magento

I was just wondering if anybody knows how to test magento's payment options. I have got a few questions. Do …

magento admin magento-1.8
Change base URL of Magento

I have installed Magento in a server say 123.456.10.129 and copy and paste its files to 123.456.241.82. When I am trying to …

php magento magento-1.8
Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor string offsets

I am getting following error Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor string offsets in app/code/…

php version magento-1.8
How to save an attribute value for a specific store view?

I'm trying to create a product programmatically in Magento 1.8 and then set some attribute values to it. So far everyting …

magento magento-1.8
SUPEE 6788 and Password Reset (blank page)

I've installed SUPEE 6788. Then noticed that password reset page is blank when you click on the reset link in the …

magento magento-1.7 magento-1.9 magento-1.8
Difference between Mage::registry() and Session in Magento

I am really confused about when to use Mage::registry() and Mage session. Can any one suggest what is diff …

magento magento-1.7 magento-1.8