Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor string offsets

Charlie picture Charlie · Nov 10, 2014 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

I am getting following error

Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor string offsets in app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Grid/Column/Filter/Price.php on line 126

On my server when try to filter product in product grid.

I am not changed any core files at all, but it showing the core file line 126.

I googled for this issue, no proper result. Is there anybody who got this problem and solved it.?

I am not sure but is this a PHP Version problem? Because same application working fine on localhost, In my local machine I have PHP 5.5.18 and in server its 5.3.

Thanks in advance :)


Onyx picture Onyx · Jun 8, 2015

I know this isn't a version problem, but could not tell you what it actually is. I just ran across the same issue on my localhost. It worked in one app, not the other, running php5.59.

Inspect the code, it is probably something like this:

$data[2] .= $additionaldata;

It needs to be changed to

$data[2] = $data[2].$additionaldata;