Top "Magento-1.8" questions

Magento is an e-commerce platform written in PHP atop the Zend framework, available under both open-source and commercial licenses.

Magento. Sort products collection by position

I have products collection. $_products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection(); In admin panel in Catalog->Manage Categories-&…

php magento magento-1.7 magento-1.9 magento-1.8
Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID); leads into a fatal error

A Magento extension I installed has a line of code that leads into a fatal error. I'm using Magento 1.8.0 and …

php magento fatal-error magento-1.8
Magento Get Product Attribute Text in Stock.php

I've been trying to adjust the amount stock reduced by a sale, depending on a product's attribute, I've tried the …

php magento stock magento-1.8 m2e-pro
Send order email from admin not working in Magento 1.8

After upgrading my site from 1.4 to 1.8 I am unable to send order email from the admin panel. When a new …

magento magento-1.8
dbModel read resource does not implement Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract

i am facing a situation where i can't find any solution. My website was working fine till i installed a …

magento magento-1.8
How to display yes/no attribute in custom product grid in Magento?

I am creating a new custom product grid which will show a custom yes/no attribute. I have successfully displayed …

php magento magento-1.8
Magento onepage checkout saveOrder 302 redirect

Running a new Magento 1.8 install and on the onepage checkout, at the final review when the user submits the order, …

php magento magento-1.8
Magento adding attribut using install script

i followed some tutorials an done this code this is install.0.1.0.php : $installer = $this; $installer->startSetup(); $allowCP = array( 'group' =&…

magento magento-1.7 magento-1.8
how to check product has custom options?

I'm trying to check whether product has custom options or not in code (my code runs sales_order_place_after …

Multiple fields to sort a magento collection

Here is target sql query: ...... order by field1 asc, price_index.min_price desc And here is my code $productCollection-&…

php magento magento-1.8 magento-1.9