iPhone image gallery

jcdmb picture jcdmb · Jan 18, 2012 · Viewed 23.6k times · Source

I am looking for a simple picture gallery for iPhone (photo viewer). I was using EasyGallery on iOS 4 and I am having some issues with this gallery under iOS 5. The Gallery from Three20 is too complex for me and has a lot of Features I do not need (loading pictures from the internet -> I just need support for local pictures). I need to show pictures from the app bundle, not from the photo library.

1) EasyGallery was working under iOS 4, but not under iOS 5. If someone has chaged its source code so that it is now working with iOS 5, please poste your code here.

2) FGallery does not work when the view is presented modally. And that's my case. So, if someone has adapted the source code from FGallery to work modally, please also poste your code here.

I've tried to change the source code from 1 and 2 myself, but I did not have success. Does someone know a simple ready to use image gallery for the iPhone?

Thanks in advance


barley picture barley · Jan 18, 2012

FGallery is quite good. The test application was a little buggy when I tried last time, and I had some issues customizing the look, but yes, it is simple and readily usable.
