Top "Image-gallery" questions

An image gallery is set up to display multiple images.

How do I create an image gallery in Drupal 7?

Which is the best way to upload images and show them up in galleries. There are many options out there, …

drupal image-gallery drupal-7
Scan barcode from an image in gallery android

I'm creating a android project, main feature is scan barcode. I'm tried integrate with Zxing library into my project, and …

android qr-code barcode-scanner image-gallery
Android: Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE allows only single picking

I want to open multiple images from the Android gallery using "Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE" intent filter: if (Build.VERSION.…

android android-intent image-gallery
Vertical align block level element inside a block level element

I need to center align images (variable width and height) inside block level elements of fixed width and height. The …

html css image-gallery
fetching images from gallery on android phones with internal storage

Hi I am developing an Android Gallery app where I am fetching images from built in gallery and displaying it.…

android gridview image-gallery android-gallery
Selecting Image from gallery using fragment

I am trying to get image from gallery using fragment which is called from fragmentactivity but onActivityResult of the fragment …

android fragment image-gallery android-fragmentactivity
Pick multiple images from gallery

How to read/retrieve paths or Uri[] when I select multiple images from gallery? I want to call this: Uri[] …

android uri gallery image-gallery
Android - Choose Image from Gallery and store it in a File type variable

I am a new to Android Development. I wish to select an image or a video from the Gallery of …

android file upload dropbox image-gallery
iPhone-like navigation dots for Android

I have to create an image gallery that navigation dots like the iPhone gallery. Check out the screenshot. I need …

iphone android image-gallery
Creating A Private Photo Gallery Using Asp.Net MVC

I need to create a photo gallery service that is managed by users. I've done this a million times using … image-gallery