Fancybox 2 visible navigation arrows

Richard Hartle picture Richard Hartle · Dec 29, 2011 · Viewed 22.2k times · Source

Is it possible with Fancybox 2.0 to always keep the image gallery navigation arrows visible? Rather than just visible on hover.


JFK picture JFK · Dec 29, 2011

For fancybox v2.x you may use these CSS inline declarations (after you have linked to the jquery.fancybox.css file):

<style type="text/css">
 .fancybox-next span {
  left: auto;
  right: 20px;
 .fancybox-prev span {
  left: 20px;

UPDATE (July 12, 2012) : Since Fancybox v2.0.6+ just need to add this css declaration instead

.fancybox-nav span {
 visibility: visible;