Top "Uiimagepickercontroller" questions

Questions related to the iOS UIImagePickerController class (and the associated UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol), which provides system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on iOS devices, and for choosing saved images and movies.

Cropping an UIImage

I've got some code that resizes an image so I can get a scaled chunk of the center of the …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uiimagepickercontroller image-manipulation
Can I load a UIImage from a URL?

I have a URL for an image (got it from UIImagePickerController) but I no longer have the image in memory (…

ios iphone uiimage uiimagepickercontroller
Adding images or videos to iPhone Simulator

I am trying to use UIImagePickerController with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary, but it says, "No photos". Where does the simulator get the images …

ios iphone ios-simulator uiimagepickercontroller photo
iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload

I am testing my iPhone application on an iOS 3.1.3 iPhone. I am selecting/capturing an image using a UIImagePickerController: UIImagePickerController *…

ios iphone cocoa-touch uiimage uiimagepickercontroller
How to allow user to pick the image with Swift?

I am writing my first iOS application (iPhone only) with Swift. The main application view should allow user to choose …

ios swift uiimagepickercontroller
iOS 8 Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot

In iOS 8 I am having problem capturing images from camera till now I am using this code for UIImagePickerController *controller=[[…

objective-c ios8 uiimagepickercontroller
Camera with Custom View

My Application uses camera, I would like to add overlay over the camera preview. For example, I want to use …

ios objective-c camera uiimagepickercontroller custom-view
Detect permission of camera in iOS

I am developing a very simple video app. I use the official control: UIImagePickerController. Here is the problem. When presenting …

ios permissions camera uiimagepickercontroller ios-permissions
Swift - UIImagePickerController - how to use it?

I am trying hard to understand how this works, but it's pretty hard for me. =) I have 1 view, there is …

ios swift uiimagepickercontroller
presentModalViewController:Animated is deprecated in ios6

I am using the following code for an image picker. But when I run it in the simulator, I have …

iphone objective-c uiimage uiimagepickercontroller