Top "Uiimagepickercontroller" questions

Questions related to the iOS UIImagePickerController class (and the associated UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol), which provides system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on iOS devices, and for choosing saved images and movies.

Resizing UIimages pulled from the Camera also ROTATES the UIimage?

I am getting UIimages from the camera and assigning them to UIImageViews to be displayed. When I do this the …

iphone uiimageview uiimage uiimagepickercontroller
iPhone: Camera Preview Overlay

How do I add an overlay (UIImageView) to the camera preview and handle touches on this? My previous attempts to …

iphone uiimageview camera uiimagepickercontroller
UIImagePickerController - crops picture to square (in portrait)

I'm using the UIImagePickerController to take and edit a picture. it works fine in landscape, but in portrait it will …

ios xcode ios5 camera uiimagepickercontroller
Select Multiple Images (UIImagePickerController or Share UI)

In iPhone OS 3.0, Apple added the ability to share multiple pictures at once using the "Share" button and selecting multiple …

ios iphone uiimagepickercontroller
iOS 8 SDK: modal UIWebView and camera/image picker

I have found that, when compiling for iOS 8 (and running in iOS 8), a UIWebView cannot show the camera/image picker …

ios objective-c ios8 uiwebview uiimagepickercontroller
How to set the cover for custom album in iOS Photos?

This article is a great tutorial for creating custom photo album. However, it only sets the first photo as the …

iphone ios ios5 uiimagepickercontroller alassetslibrary
how to change the UIImagePickerController crop frame

when opening working with an UIImagePickerController and setting allowsImageEditing = YES; there is a default cropping frame that is 320x320. In …

iphone cocoa-touch uiimagepickercontroller crop
Convert nsdictionary to nsdata

have an app that can take a picture and then upload to a server. encoding it to base 64 and pass …

iphone objective-c uiimagepickercontroller nsdictionary nsdata
UIImagePickerController AllowsEditing not working

I am using UIImagePickerController to allow the user to take a picture. I want to allow him/her to edit …

ios iphone xamarin.ios uiimagepickercontroller xamarin
How do I mirror a UIImage picture from UIImagePickerController

I'm trying to figure out if there is any way to mirror an image. For example, take a picture of …

iphone uiimage core-graphics uiimagepickercontroller