Top "Uiimagepickercontroller" questions

Questions related to the iOS UIImagePickerController class (and the associated UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol), which provides system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on iOS devices, and for choosing saved images and movies.

Setting delegate for UIImagePicker returns error

Having a problem in some swift code I had written for an OCR translation app. The code snippet is below: @…

ios swift delegates uiimagepickercontroller
How to add a uiimagepickerview custom overlay

i will like to add a custom overlay on the UIImagepickerview with some custom buttons. will appreciated if anyone could …

iphone ios xcode overlay uiimagepickercontroller
UIImagePickerController for movie Item

I am writing a simple video uploader application on iPhone 3GS where I first direct the user to photos album, …

iphone uiimagepickercontroller iphone-3gs
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo not called

I have a UITableViewCell button to take an image and place it back in the cell. When I call the …

ios uiimagepickercontroller
Avoid Video Compression when Selecting Movie with UIImagePickerController?

I'm using UIImagePickerController to allow my user to select a video from the asset library. When the user selects the "…

iphone video compression uiimagepickercontroller movie
reduce video size in swift/iOS to upload to server

I am picking a video from my swift iOS app using the UIImagePickerController. I am saving this URL and now …

ios swift uiimagepickercontroller avasset
How to avoid compression after selecting video from UIImagePickerController in ios

I am using UIImagePickerController to select video from Gallery and it compress that video.I want to disable Compression but …

iphone uiimagepickercontroller
UIImagePickerController mediaTypes kUTTypeMovie causes small memory leak in NSCFNumber

Xcode 4.0.2 iPhone4 iOS 4.3.5 CoreLocation and MobileCoreServices frameworks are implemented. imported MobileCoreServices/UTCoreTypes.h - (void) displayVideoPicker { UIImagePickerController *ipc = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] …

iphone memory memory-leaks uiimagepickercontroller xcode-instruments