Top "Avasset" questions

AVAsset is an abstract class to represent timed audiovisual media such as videos and sounds.

How can I add a watermark in a captured video on iOS

I was wondering if anybody can tell me how I can achieve this. If been thinking of a couple of …

iphone ios objective-c ipad avasset
iOS 7 AVPlayer AVPlayerItem duration incorrect in iOS 7

I have the following code in my app: NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [self.DocDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: self.FileName] isDirectory: NO]; self.…

ios ios7 avfoundation avplayer avasset
Convert PHAsset (video) to AVAsset, synchronously

I need to use the AVAsset object, in order to play it using AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer. I started using the …

ios video avasset photosframework
reduce video size in swift/iOS to upload to server

I am picking a video from my swift iOS app using the UIImagePickerController. I am saving this URL and now …

ios swift uiimagepickercontroller avasset
Get the accurate duration of a video

I'm making a player and I want to list all files and in front of all files I want to …

swift avfoundation avasset
Applying a CIFilter to a Video File and Saving it

Is there any fast, lightweight-as-possible way to apply a CIFilter to a video? Before it's mentioned, I have looked at …

ios swift cifilter avasset
How to get the size (KB) of a Video AVAsset

I would like to get an AVAsset video file size, not the video's resolution, but the file weight in KB. …

ios avasset
How do I implement AVAssetImageGenerator.copyCGImageAtTime in swift

Thus far I have the following let assetUrl = NSURL.URLWithString(self.targetVideoString) let asset: AVAsset = AVAsset.assetWithURL(assetUrl) as AVAsset …

swift avasset avassetimagegenerator
How can I play an mp4 resource with AVPlayer?

I have included an mp4 resource in my project navigator. I want to play it in an AVPlayer. I know …

objective-c ios video avplayer avasset
How can I extract metadata from mp3 file in ios development

I am working on an ios music player with cloud storage. I need to extract the music information such as …

objective-c ios metadata avasset avmetadataitem