Top "Photosframework" questions

This tag should only be used for questions related to the Photos framework available in iOS, macOS, and tvOS.

How to get only images in the camera roll using Photos Framework

The following code loads images that are also located on iCloud or the streams images. How can we limit the …

ios swift photosframework
NSURL from PHAsset

I'm converting our app over to use the Photos Framework of iOS8, the ALAsset framework is clearly a second class …

ios8 alassetslibrary photosframework phasset
PHImageManager requestImageForAsset returns nil sometimes for iCloud photos

Roughly 10% of the time PHImageManager.defaultManager().requestImageForAsset returns nil instead of a valid UIImage after first returning a valid though "…

ios photosframework
Photos Framework. requestImageForAsset returning two results. Can't set image view

So I am using the SwipeView library ( to show images using the Photos framework for …

ios uiimageview uicollectionview photosframework
Get the local file path of a PHAsset

I have a photo I want my user to be able to share on Instagram and I need to get …

ios swift instagram phasset photosframework
Photos framework: Connection to assetsd was interrupted or assetsd died

I am getting this error when I am trying to play multiple videos using this swift library (…

ios objective-c swift avfoundation photosframework
How to fetch squared thumbnails from PHImageManager?

Has anybody idea how to fetch squared thumbs from PHImageManager? PHImageContentModeAspectFill option has no effect. [[PHImageManager defaultManager] requestImageForAsset:(PHAsset *)_asset …

ios ios8 photosframework
How to loop through a photo gallery in swift with photos framework

I have an app that creates a unique photo gallery for each ticket on my app. I need to figure …

ios swift image-uploading photosframework
Convert PHAsset (video) to AVAsset, synchronously

I need to use the AVAsset object, in order to play it using AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer. I started using the …

ios video avasset photosframework
Check given PHAsset is iCloud asset?

I'm trying to get PhAsset object. I want to segregate iCloud assets. Here is my code, PHFetchResult *cloudAlbums = [PHAssetCollection fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:…

ios icloud photosframework phasset