Top "Uiimagepickercontroller" questions

Questions related to the iOS UIImagePickerController class (and the associated UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol), which provides system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on iOS devices, and for choosing saved images and movies.

Swift - How to record video in MP4 format with UIImagePickerController?

I am creating a app in which i need to record videos and upload it to a server. Now my …

ios swift uiimagepickercontroller video-capture
camera overlay view - just for preview?

I've noticed that in OS 3.1 you can add an overlay view to the image picker with cameraOverlayView However, I've also …

iphone camera overlay uiimagepickercontroller
How do you color/customize the UIImagePickerController's Navigation Bar?

What is the correct way to color the UIImagePickerController's nav bar? I merely tried to see the background color but …

swift uiimagepickercontroller
Use the UIImagePickerController on a iphone simulator

I have the method, that take photos from gallery or from the camera -(IBAction) getPhoto:(id) sender { UIImagePickerController * picker = [[…

ios camera ios-simulator uiimagepickercontroller photo-gallery
Application tried to present modally an active controller : UIImagePickerController

I'm struggle at this for 2 days and believe that this is the moment I should call for help. After I …

objective-c ios5 ios6 uiimagepickercontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
iPhone video recording: "cameraCaptureMode 1 not available because mediaTypes does contain"

I tried to record a video. The message I got is from the following code on the device: UIImagePickerController *imagePickerController = [[…

objective-c iphone uiimagepickercontroller
Save video to the gallery and get the path for the video stored to Gallery

I want to save a video chosen from UIImagePickerController to the Photos album. After that i need to fetch the …

ios swift video uiimagepickercontroller photokit
iOS7 iPad Landscape only app, using UIImagePickerController

I believe this is a common issue and many answers don't work anymore, many just partial, if you are under …

ios ipad cocoa-touch uiimagepickercontroller uiinterfaceorientation
How to remove square ratio cropping for images on IOS

I am using the IOS standard image cropping functionality (move and scale) to crop my image before submitting it to …

ios uiimagepickercontroller crop