Top "Ios-permissions" questions

NSCameraUsageDescription in iOS 10.0 runtime crash?

Using iOS 10.0 last beta. I had tried to use Camera to scan barcode in my app, and it crashed with …

ios camera plist barcode ios-permissions
Detect permission of camera in iOS

I am developing a very simple video app. I use the official control: UIImagePickerController. Here is the problem. When presenting …

ios permissions camera uiimagepickercontroller ios-permissions
Presenting camera permission dialog in iOS 8

When my app tries to access the camera for the first time on iOS 8, the user is presented with a …

ios permissions camera ios8 ios-permissions
How to request and check permissions in Flutter

I am using a various plugin to get user data, contact, photos and camera when the user clicks Don't allow, …

flutter dart permissions android-permissions ios-permissions
Complete list of iOS app permissions

Different web sites (e.g.) explain that the iOS permission model works like this: All apps have a set of …

ios permissions ios-permissions
Location permission issue iOS 11 and iOS 10

I am having an issue when requesting location permissions from user when I use iOS11 my info.plist contains <…

ios swift ios11 core-location ios-permissions
Customizing the iOS permission dialog for push notifications

When an iOS app attempts to register for push notifications for the first time, the system pops up a permissions …

ios push-notification apple-push-notifications ios-permissions
iOS 10 and Permissions localization description

Faced interesting thing while preparing app for iOS 10. Starting from Xcode 8 you must provide description about any permission you ask …

ios permissions xcode8 ios-permissions
Reset Permissions like Camera for iOS Apps?

When I develop an app for iOS (iPhone/ iPad) and I need to request permissions. When I use the camera …

ios objective-c iphone swift ios-permissions

In Crashlytics, I can see iOS 10 users are getting this crash frequently. However, when I test in Simulator using iPhone 7/10.2, …

ios permissions crash privacy ios-permissions