Top "Sublimetext3" questions


Command to convert selected lines to HTML bulleted list in Sublime Text?

Whenever I have a series of lines that are supposed to be a bulleted list (UL) in Sublime Text 3, I …

html sublimetext sublimetext3 sublime-text-plugin
Sublime PHP method signature and description on autocomplete

I really like sublime but I have 1 major issue stopping me from migrating from Netbeans: I need sublime autocomplete to …

php autocomplete sublimetext2 method-signature sublimetext3
JSHint: Turn off missing semicolon warning

How do I turn off missing semicolon warnings with JSHint in Sublime. I have tried multiple things on the internet …

sublimetext3 jshint sublimelinter
Sublime Text 3: There are no packages available for installation

I have a problem with packages installation for Sublime Text 3. I downloaded ST3 and follow the instructions…

sublimetext2 sublimetext3 sublimetext package-control
PHP 100% CPU usage with Sublime Text 3

I use Sublime Text 3 for web development. From time to time, it starts PHP process with CPU usage of 100%. My …

php sublimetext3 cpu-usage
I do not know how to get sublimelinter-html-tidy to work

I have sublime text 3, but after I installed sublimelinter-html-tidy through the 'Package Control: Install Package', nothing changed. I also have …

sublimetext3 htmltidy sublimelinter
Move tab from one column to another in Sublime Text using only keys

Does anyone know this shortcut? I'm looking for it online, but I can't seem to find it

sublimetext2 text-editor sublimetext sublimetext3
How to add Sublime Text command line support for Mac OS X El Capitan

How can I (re)enable command line support for Sublime Text under Mac OS X El Capitan ?

macos command-line sublimetext3 osx-elcapitan
ESlint + sublimelinter not working with Sublime Text 3

I followed the guide "Lint like it's 2015" and had no luck, also read on stack-overflow for a similar problem and …

sublimetext3 sublimelinter eslint
Merging files in Sublime with Sublimerge via command line

I'm trying to find a better merge file option and wanted to try out Sublime as of my work is …

merge sublimetext2 sublimetext3 sublimetext sublime-text-plugin